Friday, March 28, 2008

I think when someone told him scientology was full of dopes, he misunderstood.

To add further credibility to the cultish pyramid scheme religion, the newest prospect into the kooky scientology fold is none other than upstanding citizen and all around hygienic guy Pete Doherty. You know, the same stupid fuck that blew crack smoke at his cat to get it high? Yeah, that guy.

This should be AWESOME publicity for the scientologists. I mean, the church is already packed to the gills with closeted homos, so let's just start adding useless junkies to the mix as well! Maybe if they're really nice to her, Amy Winehouse will be next in line.
Or Steve-O!!


Anonymous said...

Oh, ya! He's a peach!

Anonymous said...


Chickpea said...

Steve-O is in the looney bin and probably took meds for it so I'm pretty sure he won't be invited to Xenu-land. Unless, of course, he gives Tom some extra lovin'.