Friday, March 21, 2008

Come to Church; learn how to think

Today, someone put a little note in our door inviting us to go to some new Baptist Church for Easter.

Naturally, this church has a website. On the website, you can learn great things. I won't even dignify them with a link, but they offer points on how to vote if you're a good Christian, explanations of why homosexuals are evil, explanations of why Christians are right and everyone else is wrong, etc.

Fantastic stuff, all of it.

I believe that everyone should vote. It's your civic duty and all. But, I'm reconsidering.

If you need to listen to your preacher to determine who to vote for, you may have to lose your right to vote. You also should lose your right to reproduce. Is thinking for oneself so difficult of a thing to do? For many of my neighbors, it apparently is.

I wish I had more to say, but I have to go read "Thirty-Five things worth knowing about the Bible"

#15 - Homos and Jews are evil. So are them Muslims. Catholics are kinda evil too.


Anonymous said...

Dood, thinkin' fer yerself is BAD. That's whah we always vote fer them Democrats. They's do all the thinkin' fer us.

Anonymous said...

If you're not on their evil list, then you're doing it wrong.

golfwidow said...

I think people should be able to make up their own minds for me.