Thursday, March 20, 2008

Et tu, Oprah?

So it seems Oprah's production company has given Kirstie Alley a deal to produce a television series - presumably a talk show, because foisting Rachael fucking Ray and that bloated blowhard Dr. Phil JUST WASN'T ENOUGH.

Now, we know scientologists only align themselves with people that a) are fellow scientology nutjobs, or b) they're trying to enlist into their brainwashing pyramid scheme religion. I assume Oprah worships herself WAY TOO MUCH to ever join some stupid group where she has to bow at the feet of someone else, let alone a failed science fiction writer. So I have no choice but to assume that Oprah really must like her and think she'll succeed. I think Kirstie will have that show filled with her cult-y subliminal messages, and Oprah will boot her ass out the door and back to the Celebrity Centre. Or maybe Oprah's ready to jump on board with Kirstie's new weight loss program that she's coming up with. Because, you know, she did so good on Jenny Craig.


Nightmare said...

"Failed Science fiction writer"? He was a good writer, he just happened to be crazy too!

ReggaeVibrations_WTJU said...

i want an "i brake for Xenu" bumpersticker. Cafe Press, anyone?

y'all are evil.

praise be, the anonymity of the internets!